Tips for Reducing Waste at School

Sourced from, here is a list of actions to begin to reduce waste in schools. Being explicit about why we are reducing waste is an important concept for students to understand in order to inform sustainable lifestyle practices and bahaviours, therefore it may be more meaningful if these concepts are explored and discussed or even developed by the students. That said, its a good starting point to get teachers ideas flowing. 


Tips for Reducing Waste at School

What teachers and students can do to practice waste reduction in the classroom:


  • Use an overhead projector or blackboard to reduce the amount of photocopied information distributed in class.
  • Encourage parents and students to pack a waste-free lunch for field trips
  • Buy classroom materials that are durable and if possible, include recycled content.
  • Make double-sided copies when possible.
  • Use paper towels only as needed, better yet replace them with sponges, old socks or other scrap material.


  • Encourage students to write on both sides of a piece of paper before recycling it.
  • Designate a scrap material box in the classroom for paper, fabric, and other objects that can be reused for classroom projects.
  • Take a trip to the school library to visit a site dedicated to reuse.
  • Ask students to bring 3-ring binders to class instead of spiral notebooks. Binders can be reused and paper can be easily removed for recycling.
  • At the end of the school year, collect unwanted school supplies such as pencils and notebooks that can be used during the next school year.
  • Encourage students to collect supplies for reuse art projects such as egg cartons, film canisters, magazines, milk cartons, paper grocery bags and plastic lids.


  • Establish a recycling bin in your classroom.
  • Have students separate materials for recycling.
  • Ask students to remove spiral bindings from notebooks before recycling them.
  • Plan a lesson about paper recycling and make recycled paper…
  • Place recycling and garbage bins in teacher’s lunchroom to collect materials for recycling.
  • Visit a local Recycling Facility or Transfer Station to learn more about how recyclables are sorted and processed before remanufacture.
  • Collect and sell classroom recyclables as part of a school-wide recycling contest. The funds can be donated to a local charity or used for classroom supplies, pizza party, etc.

ROT (Compost)

  • Start composting food waste in the classroom with a worm bin. Ask students to collect fruit and vegetable scraps from school lunches. Place a collection bin in the teacher’s lunchroom for coffee grinds and other food waste. Use the finished compost on schoolyard plantings.
  • When installing a school garden, choose plants appropriate for the local conditions. This will reduce the generation of green waste, use of water, fertilizers, and pesticides.